Friday, September 26, 2014

How You Can Lose Weight and Avoid Future Illness!

How You Can Lose Weight and Avoid Future Illness.

Burn that unwanted body fat and use your savings for a good time in retirement not for health care costs.

If you don't change the way your mind thinks towards your food choices and nutritious living, you may be in for a costly and life threatening illness or disease in the future. It may cost you your life savings and maybe even your life. I am sorry for being so blunt with you but it is true and I always tell it like it is and want this message to sink in. If you don't listen or even take this subject seriously it is your choice but then its just plain dumb to ignore this and there is no hope for you because you will be destined to face a possible health complication in the future that can and will effect your quality of life and your bank account (the drug companies count on it). It is your choice, but I know if you are reading this blog you are one of the rare intelligent ones that seriously has a concern for their wellbeing and is willing to do whatever it takes to live a long and healthy life free of illness and health concerns.

Full disclosure, I have been a vegetarian now for almost 4 years as of this post. I do not consume milk or milk products. I have gone down the road of the Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, The low carb craze and the countless other weight loss programs. I saw friends of mine take part in diets sold by doctors who monitor and provide them with vitamin b shots and they looked horrible. They lost weight, but boy did they look bad as they lost their hair and they had terrible complexions. I was confused with all the reports and professional opinions and I was constantly in search of a healthy way of life that took little effort just a solid commitment and direction. I found myself taking many pills and potions and supplements alike. I took protein powders, muscle builders and energy boosters you name it. The one common thing I did find is that once you lose a little weight you gain it back shortly there after and you just don't feel good physically. mentally or emotionally. It is all  a great big scam. My family was in the health industry for over 20 years and I saw it and experienced it first hand. Don't get me wrong, there are great supplements and products out there that do benefit us, but the diet industry is really taking advantage of our trust. The easy way of losing weight and burning fat is what the majority is really trying to find at any cost unfortunately. But nobody ever looks at what the cause is and they believe all the reports and the government agencies (that by the way are supposed to protect us) want us to believe. They must satisfy the lobby groups so then the public ends up with a largely distorted truth. Look, there was a time when doctors told the public it was okay to smoke tobacco, and that mother's milk was not good for babies. It is real bizarre how the general public believes the advertising for milk and dairy products. So often I hear "where are you getting your protein?" or "I need calcium". I could expand on this subject but let me tell you its a load of bull. Our fruits and vegetables provide us with ample protein, calcium and other nutrients our body needs. I have not lost any muscle mass in 4 years of being a vegetarian so where am I getting my protein? from my veggies, my carrot drink and other veggie combinations. I get all the nutrients my body requires from organic raw foods that I juice daily. It works for me and countless others I have recommended this to. If you haven't watched the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross ( you should. You should also try to watch Food Matters ( 

The way you may be thinking in that brain of yours and the choices you make in what you eat will determine your well being and how you will feel. It will also predict whether or not you will have health complications in the future and you most likely don't realize this. Humans are funny that way, they think that just because they are not sick, they must be healthy. Its amazing how many people come back from their physical check up with a clean bill of health from their doctor to find in only a few short years later that they suddenly develop a serious onset of some disease or some complication such as diabetes or high cholesterol. Then instead of treating what is causing it, they medicate the symptoms. It is our diet that is slowly killing us, not the lack of exercise or the number of calories. It is the food choices, the types of food we consume on a daily basis loaded with chemicals, refined ingredients, and processed foods. All these foods lack nutrients that are necessary and important for the body to fight of toxins and diseases. I often ask friends about how much raw food do they actually consume in a week. Think about it for a moment. If you consume only cooked food (and evidence shows that even if you lightly steam your food, the majority of nutrients are lost) where does your body get essential disease fighting nutrients? Important nutrients that help your body function efficiently and burn fat, build muscle and support a healthy immune system. Its funny when many  of my friends say they eat a salad with their meal, but the majority say they may only do this once or twice a week at one of their meals. So think now, how can your body fight off toxins and harmful diseases when all you feed it is toxic processed, refined and cooked food that lacks essential nutrients?. it simple, it can't or it overworks and puts undue stress on the body's system and eventually you either become ill or worse you suffer a heart attack or stroke or even worse than that you die. 

You must work on changing your mindset and controlling your urges. I still have a weakness for sweets that I know I must control. So no one is perfect but I am not as bad as I used to be but still have my challenges in the junk food department. You are going to make tough decisions and you will have struggles now again with the choices but let me tell you that you will feel so much better, have way more energy, and look so much better that the challenges will become easier and easier.  There will be challenges to maintaining a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle that will benefit your wellbeing. after all you have habits now that have been instilled for many years. Once you make the easy transition to this new way of thinking and follow the suggestions you are about to receive here, you will notice improvements almost immediately. You must know that you may feel worse for a day or two initially or maybe later as you adjust your types of food intake and consume only nutrient rich foods. This is your body eliminating harmful toxins that reek havoc on your body and its system. Don't give up, it is a sign that there is something in your body that it needs to get rid of, so weather the storm and you will be the better for it. You will see that you will no longer be constipated and will have normal regular bowel movements as you should. You will awaken with energy instead of being sluggish in the mornings and your mind will be clear and function so much more better.

It is recommended that you monitor and reduce or ultimately eliminate consuming high amounts of sugars, refined carbs, salt, and white flour, and if you can dairy products. when I say reduce or eliminate, I mean if its difficult at first, slowly reduce eating these toxic damaging ingredients to the point where you are comfortable to eliminate them from your diet. I don't want you feeling any stress or anxiety, I want you to really feel the benefits and the joy of these benefits is what will have you stay on track without withdrawal symptoms. These toxic ingredients are some of the major culprits and contributors to your weight gain, health concerns and possible future illness. If you are  experiencing fatigue, are bloated or have headaches often these are warning signs. I would also be aware of consuming high amounts of oils and animal fats.  Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn  (author of Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease) actually suggest zero consumption of oils and animal fats as they are a major contributor to damaging the endothelial cells in the arteries and this damage may cause a heart attack or stroke or the onset of heart disease among other health complications. I still use some organic oils but try to use water for cooking and sautéing more often. 

It is important that you get control of your emotions as well. Some people tend to eat more "junk food" when they are stressed or depressed. This is a battle you may face and will help you avoid health complications later in life. If you don't listen and you don't take these recommendation seriously, the only warning you could receive is death and then it would definitely be too late. I have a doctor friend that has a hair replacement clinic who became a vegetarian. prior to that he was on two types of medications for his blood pressure but since changing his diet he has been able to get rid of the medicine and all his vitals are normal now and has zero health concerns. If you give your body a chance, it will heal itself.

 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates

I will show you an easy way to get micronutrient rich foods into your body to help eliminate toxins and get rid of those cravings you have for toxic foods. I will show you how this will help you lose weight, feel better and avoid possible future illness and health complications. which will cost you a fortune not to mention your quality of life too. By following what I will suggest, I will save you a fortune in health costs and you will also lose that unwanted body fat. You will no longer binge on "junk foods" and you will have a full feeling as your stomach will be full of foods that are nutrient rich and will have you feeling amazing without any bloating or uncomfortable feeling you get from those toxic foods. No need to count calories or worry about contents of these foods. Just feel great and watch the pounds melt away and your energy level and clarity of mind will improve immensely and you will keep the weight off. These foods that you will now consume will help fight of diseases and toxins and may even help relieve any illness you may presently have. This is the fountain of health and youth.

This will take a small investment of time on your part and some committed effort. Once you get going, you will see how easy it is to do and your friends will start commenting on how much better and more radiant you look. You will find it pretty interesting that once you get on track with this, everything in your life will change for the better at your work and even in your personal life. You may have many challenges and fall to the dark side once in while at first, but once you are on track you will see how easy it is. Make the small investment of time now into your health and wellbeing and see how much better and less stressed you will be.

I am going to suggest you get into juicing and making great tasting nutrient rich smoothies. I will ask you to make an investment into a quality masticating juicer such as the Omega of Hurom or my favourite the Super Angel. These juicers cold-press the fruits and vegetables without any heat which eliminates many important nutrients. You will also invest in a Nutribullet or if you have a blender already, this will be good for your smoothies and the ice-cream replacement recipe I am going to provide you with. There are many great websites that you can find awesome juicing and smoothie recipes that will help you prepare flavourful juices and smoothies you will enjoy and provide you with the nutrients you may be lacking. Here are a few websites I found that I recommend:

There are many others but these are ones I enjoy. You can also follow us on twitter @wellandwild and get recipes tweeted daily.

Once you start juicing a couple times a day, you will fill your stomach with nutrient rich foods and will lose that craving for "junk foods". You will lose weight and keep it off. 

Are you a meat eater? When I say "meat" I mean any animal fats or anything that has a mother or father makes it easier. So beef, chicken, fish, pork all are major contributors to heart disease and weight gain. I am not going to try to make you a vegetarian (but it would help you immensely if you did). I am going to ask you to reduce your intake to once a week if possible for the first little bit and just se how a little change will make so much difference. 

I would also ask you to give this a chance and see how much better you feel. I will need you to drastically reduce or eliminate processed foods, anything that is instant, white flour, white rice and sugar, any sugar as sugar is sugar even if it is natural or cane sugar it is still sugar. The sugar in fruits and vegetables are of no concern to me though as these food have fibres that help process and utilize the sugar and are not stored as fat like processed sugars.

So to make this simple here it is:

eliminate eating the following:

  • animal fats such as beef, pork, chicken, fish.
  • sugar, sweeteners and any added sugar type even if it is natural or artificial.
  • dairy (if possible) milk is meant for baby cows not humans.
  • any products that are made with refined white flour.
  • no instant or processed foods.

and make sure you juice at least twice a day one being three carrots and an apple (I prefer Granny Smith apples) and the second some green combination like the one below. Make sure to always use organic produce.

   1 granny smith apple
   3 carrots 

   1 granny smith apple
   4 celery sticks
   1 kiwi (skin removed)
   1 lemon (peeled and white pith removed)
   1/4" piece of ginger
   2" broccoli stem
   1 handful of parsley

   1 granny smith apple
   3 celery sticks
   3 Kale leaves
   1 lemon (peeled and white pith removed)
   1/4" piece of ginger
   1/2 fennel bulb
   1 cucumber

For athletes try this drink to improve your performance

   1 beet
   1 small piece of ginger
   2 or 3  carrots
   1 parsnip

   1 lemon (peeled and white pith removed)

Follow the recipes on this blog for juicing, smoothie and healthy meals. try this for just two weeks among with some light exercise and see how quickly you begin to lose body fat. Make sure you juice at least 2-3 carrots and 1 granny smith apple every day as one of your drinks or include these ingredients in a drink combination. If you are an athlete and want to improve your performance, try the organic beet root juice recipes. You will enjoy this and it is not be a chore to clean or to prepare as it takes as much time and effort or even less than it does to prepare any breakfast, lunch or dinner. Here are a few neat recipes you may want to try.

    3 large baking potatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped (5 cups) 21⁄2 Tbs. olive oil
    1 large onion, chopped (11⁄2 cups)
    1 medium eggplant, peeled and diced
    2 medium zucchini, diced (2 cups) 1 cup sliced mushrooms
    1 cup frozen baby peas
    2 cloves garlic, chopped (2 tsp.)
    2 Tbs. tomato paste
    1 14.5-oz. can diced Italian-style tomatoes 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh basil
    11⁄2 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
    1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
    1 cup warm soymilk
    3 Tbs. canola oil

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease large, deep pie pan or medium-size casserole.
2. Put potatoes in medium saucepan, and add enough salted water to cover by 1 inch. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 12 to 15 minutes, until tender.
3. Meanwhile, warm olive oil in large, deep skillet over medium heat. Add onion, and cook, stirring often, 5 minutes. Add eggplant and zucchini, and cook, partially covered and stirring often, 3 to 4 minutes. Add mushrooms, peas, and garlic, and cook, partially covered, 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add tomato paste, and cook 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, basil, vinegar, thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer, and cook gently, partially covered, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer mixture to prepared pie pan.
4. Drain potatoes, and mash, gradually adding soymilk and canola oil as you mash. Spread evenly over filling. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until bubbling hot. Cool at least 5 minutes before serving.



Ingredients you will need are:

1 cup of fresh corn kernels
1 cup of chickpeas
2 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup of bean sprouts
2 Tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil
1 lemon, zest and juice
2 pita pockets
Salt and pepper to taste

Place corn, chickpeas, green onion, bean sprouts, olive oil, lemon zest and juice and seasoning in a bowl and toss well. Slice the edge of the pitas and open them up and fill with the chickpea mixture. This can also be served as a salad without the pita if you desire.

Ingredients you will need are:
  • 1 cup of fresh corn kernels
  • 1 cup of chickpeas
  • 4-6 green onions, chopped
  • 1/4 cup of bean sprouts
  • 1/2 green pepper, small dice
  • 1 small hot pepper, chopped 
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 Tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 2 pita pockets
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Heat a pan with one tsp olive oil. add onion, hot pepper, green onion garlic and bean sprouts. cook until sprouts are fairly tender. Add corn and chickpeas. Remove from heat after 5 minutes and add remaining olive oil,  lemon zest and juice and seasoning in a bowl and toss well. Slice the edge of the pitas and open them up and fill with the chickpea mixture. note, you can warm up the pita slightly too. Make your own variation.

Try this awesome vegetarian enchilada at your next party or for lunch or dinner. I love this dish and don't be afraid to try different ingredients or tortilla shells. This dish is easy to make and tastes great!

6  tortilla (I used 6” but you can use 10” if you like)
I also use either corn (gluten-free) or whole wheat organic. Try different ones and see which you like best.

1 Tbsp of olive oil
½ cup of bell pepers
2 tomatoes
2 cups white rice (again you can try brown rice or wild)
1 cup of refried beans
5 tsp garlic, minced
½ red bell pepper
1 onion
1 cup of corn, frozen or canned
2 cups of  vegetarian meatless ground meat (optional)

5 tomatillos, husked and seeded
2 jalapenos, seeded
4 green onion (scallions)
1 garlic clove
1 Tbs olive oil
2 cups vegetable stock
1 tsp ground cumin
1 handful of cilantro
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper
salt and peper

8oz Monterey Jack Chees, shredded

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Wrap 6 tortillas in foil and place in oven for 10 minutes to get them soft and easier to roll.  Have a baking dish ready and brushed with olive oil.
For the filling, heat oil in a non-stick skillet and add onions, bell pepper, and garlic. Once the peppers are soft and tomatoes then rice, refried beans, and corn. Mix until heated through, about 10 minutes.
Spoon filling into tortillas and fold and roll and place in the oiled baking dish seam side down.

Sauce, slice and remove seeds from jalapenos and place on foil covered baking. Place washed and dried tomatillos and a baking sheet. Broil until browned turning 2-3 times. 5 minutes or when roasted enough to remove skin. Add to a blender of a nutribullet the tomatillos skin and the jalapeno to the blender. Then add cilantro, cumin salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, green onions and stock. Then blend until smooth. Now pour mixture over tortillas in baking dish and sprinkle cheese over top. Then place in oven for 30 minutes. (optional) garnish with scallions or black olives.

1 1/2 Tbs extra-virgen olive oil
1 yellow onion, finely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and finely chopped
2 celery stalks
1 1/2 tsp minced fresh rosemary
2 tbs tomato paste
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 cups vegetable broth
2 cans of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
4 cups of Kale, ribs removed, leaves chopped
1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar


heat 1 Tbs of olive oil in a pot over medium heat. Add onion, carrots, celery, and rosemary. stir occasionally until vegetables are tender. Add tomato paste and garlic. Then add broth, beans and kale. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Stir in apple cider vinegar and season with salt and pepper. You may need to add water or extra broth if liquid reduces too much. Optional: you can add a couple of cups of potato (cubed) after you add the paste and garlic. 

2 Tbs cold pressed organic extra-virgin olive oil
3 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
1 15-oz (425g) can of cannel beans, rinsed and drained
1 medium red onion, chopped
1 cup of dried spaghettini or capellini pasta ( broken into 3 inch pieces)
2 quarts (1.89L)low sodium vegetable broth (home made is even better)
6 cups of kale (ribs removed and roughly chopped)
3 Tbs frsh squeezed lime juice
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

Add 1 Tbs of oil in pot, heat to medium heat. add carrots and onions can cook for about 10 minutes or until union are soft. remove carrots and onions and set aside in a bowl.
Add remaining 1 Tbs of oil and add pasta cooking until brown. once pasta is brown add vegetable broth and then add

Here is a great soup that may help you shed a few pounds.  It is filling and has a kick to it. 

    1 cup of organic celery, diced
    1 cup of organic carrots, diced
    1 organic onion, diced
    1 organic green or red bell pepper, diced
    2 cloves of organic garlic, minced
    1 can of organic diced tomatoes
    1/2 head of cabbage, chopped
    4 cups of organic vegetable broth
    1 cup of water 
    1 tsp organic oregano
    1 tsp organic basil
    1/2 tsp red pepper flakes ( or chopped fresh hot peppers)
    2 tbs of organic olive oil
    season with sea salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot, heat two tablespoons of olive oil.
add celery, onions, bell peppers and carrots and cook until tender
add garlic
add vegetable broth
add tomatoes and cabbage
Bring soup to a boil then reduce to a simmer and cook until cabbage is tender.
Stir in oregano, basil and red pepper flakes.
add salt and pepper to taste

    2 bunches of multi coloured carrots slice into 1 inch pieces
    4 cups of low sodium vegetable broth
    1 15-oz can diced tomatoes in juice 
    2 12-oz bunches of dinosaur kale, thinly sliced
    1/2 cup chopped basil, 
    6 whole basil leaves
    2 Tbs chopped chives
    1 handful whole chives
    115-oz can white beans, rinsed and drained
    1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
    2 garlic cloves
    1 red onion sliced

Bring carrots, broth, onion, garlic, tomatoes with juice, and 2 cups water to a simmer in a large stockpot with steamer insert over medium heat.

Place kale, whole basil leaves, and whole chives in steamer insert. Set steamer inside stockpot, cover and steam 5 to 7 minutes. use tongs to stir half way through. remove and discard basil leaves and whole chives. add kale, beans and vinegar to soup and return to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Stir in chopped basil and chives just before serving.


This is a great soup that can be served warm or cold. The ingredients should be organic, however if organic is not available try local or pesticide free if possible. Try the homemade vegetable broth for this recipe .
    4 Cups Vegetable broth or water
    5 tomatoes, chopped (1/2 reserved)
    3 cups chick peas (if using canned peas rinse well) (1/2 reserved)
    ½ cup onions, chopped
    3 garlic cloves
    2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    ¼ cup fresh basil
    ¼ cup parsley
    ¼ cup olive oil
    Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

If preparing a warm soup: Add one two teaspoons of the olive oil to a stock pot over medium heat. Add onions, allow to soften slightly.  Add garlic and ½ the chopped tomatoes. Then add vegetable stock, ½ the chick peas,  fresh squeezed lemon juice, basil, parsley, remaining olive oil. Bring to a slow boil then reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes .  Using a hand blender, mix ingredients to a smooth texture. Now add reserved tomato and chick peas and allow to simmer for an additional 10 minutes and serve.  Sea salt (or Kosher salt) and pepper taste.  

A great tasting natural and refreshing ice cream that is easy to prepare! 

  • 3 frozen bananas

(optional) 1 vanilla bean (remove shell and scape vanilla beans)

Place bananas in a blender or food processor and pulse. You can add the vanilla bean for added flavour. Try drizzling an organic caramel date sauce over it, or almonds, honey, or sprinkle with group cinnamon or ground ginger. Or make a banana split!

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