Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How To Boost Your Immune To Stay Healthy and Avoid Illness

How to stay young, healthy and avoid getting sick.
 Life is so much more enjoyable and easier when you are healthy and energetic. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy immune system to battle off infections and disease by conquering invading organisms. The immune system is one of the most amazing and complex systems in the human body. For hundreds of years modern medicine has focused on drugs designed to destroy the invading organisms using antibiotics, anti-viral agents, and chemotherapy (which actually deplete the immune system). Antibiotics not only kill off bad bacteria but also kill off the good bacteria in the body and also in the long term create new drug-resistant strains of bacteria. These drugs may win a small battle but don’t often win the war.  This is why after taking an anti biotic or even while taking an antibiotic, it is a good idea to incorporate a probiotic (which you can pick up at your local health food store) to help restore the good bacteria.

How do you build your immune system you ask? Try looking at light exercise, your diet, and your state of mind. You don’t have to go nuts training to help improve your immune, you just need to do a light brisk walk, t’ai chi (has been proven to increase t cels by 40 percent) or even yoga. Over exertion when exercising can actually suppress the immune system. Then there is your nutrition that plays a key role. If you supply the body with those all-important nutrients, the body will heal and defend itself on all fronts. Plenty of fruits and vegetable, whole grains and a diet low in saturated fats will help. This is the reason why I enjoy juicing fruits and vegetables. It is an easy way to get all the important nutrients for a healthy immune. Then there is your state of mind. Stress, depression and grief depress the immune system so learning how to cope and deal with psychological issues and relax is very important to boosting a healthy immune system.

Your immune system relies on the intake of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, Vitamin C and E as well as the minerals iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium.  Deficiency of these vitamins and minerals will suppress the immune system. It is a good idea to take a good high quality high strength multivitamin and mineral supplement to help boost your immune. I like to take them along with the fruits and vegetables I juice in the morning. Don’t take this subject lightly, as Louis Pasteur said on his deathbed “ the host is more important than the invader”. He didn’t realize until later in his life that strengthening the body was a more effective strategy rather then destroying the invading organism.  Make sure you don’t wait until it is too late. Start by taking a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement. Try juicing as well, it is really not a lot of work, it easy and simple these days and the juicers are better and easier to use. Read my post living to over 100 and juicing and what type of juicer you should use.  I am in the process of testing other juicers and will be posting a more in depth post on the best juicers you can use. You will really enjoy the feeling of a healthier and more vibrant you!.

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