Shocking Report Tells All about Milk and Dairy!
What they don’t want you to know about Milk & Dairy!

What about the effects of milk on the human digestive system? Milk becomes a clogging, mucus-forming mass that hardens and sticks to everything in the small intestine of the body. This makes the body’s job of digesting much more difficult. This also makes it difficult on the respiratory system as milk can be mucus forming and may make it difficult to breath efficiently especially for an athlete. Cheese also have the same effect on the body. If you must indulge, cut up the cheese and mix it in a fresh green salad. The salad will aid in the digestion and counteract some of the effects the cheese would have had on the body.
“If you want allergies, drink milk,” states Dr. William Ellis, an authority on dairy products and the effects of dairy on the blood stream. The reason behind such a statement is that it is very apparent that few adults can properly metabolize the protein in cow’s milk. Cow’s milk’s principle protein is casein, which is very difficult for most humans to digest. Dr. Ellis’s studies show that 50 percent of the casein is not digested by infants. These partially digested proteins enter the blood stream and irritate the tissues. They then cause a susceptibility to allergens, and place a heavy burden on the entire excretory system and on the liver.
If you are an athlete and drink milk prior to a competition or training and find that you are having difficulty breathing efficiently or are short of breath or energy, try avoiding milk for a couple of weeks and see if there is a difference. Today there are many alternatives to milk such as soy milk, almond, coconut milk or even rice milk. If you must have milk, try skim or 1%, try to make sure it is organic (no hormones) from grass fed cows and unpasteurized. Eat a fresh leafy green salad or vegetables as well to aid in the digestion and counteract the effects of the casein in the milk.
If you are worried about calcium for your bones, don’t be. In fact, research from a 12 year Nurses’ Health study showed that of 80,000 women, those who consumed two or more glasses of milk a day were 45 percent more likely to suffer hip fractures than women who consumed one glass or less. Experts reason that although milk is rich in calcium, it is also high in animal protein which prevents your body from absorbing the calcium. (Calcium from plants and vegetables do not have the same calcium-leaching effect).
You can consume your calcium more effectively from many other and better sources of calcium. To get your recommended 1200mg of calcium, you can consume some of the following list of foods. Listed in order of highest calcium content:
Sea Vegetables: Hijiki, Wakame & Kelp
Plain, low-fat yogurt
Canned sardines
Turnip greens
Collard greens
Calcium enriched orange juice
Amaranth & quinoa grains
Black & pinto beans
Sesame seed
The following list will give you more examples:
Broccoli 1 cup = 72mg
Blackstrap Molasses 1 tablespoon = 172 mg
Almonds 1 ounce, roasted = 80 mg
Figs 5, dried = 137mg
Sardines 1 can = 888mg
Kale 1 cup = 94mg
Okra 1 cup, cooked = 100mg
Garbanzo Beans 1 cup, canned = 80mg
Sesame Seeds 1 ounce = 280mg
Seaweed 2 ounces, dried = 356mg
What about protein? There are also many foods you can consume to get the required protein in your body such as:
- Tofu
- Soy Milk
- Concentrated Whey Protein
- Beef, Chicken, Turkey and Fish
- Soy Beans
What about my ice cream... say it isn’t so?
If you like ice cream, there are alternatives such placing frozen bananas in a blender. This will produce an ice cream like texture and taste and you can add other fruits to change the flavor such as strawberries, berries, oranges, mangos or your favorite. Just be careful of the sugar content if you are trying to lose weight. If that is the case, freeze the bananas before they become too ripe. You only berries when changing the flavor or organic vanilla beans. Have fun with it!
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