Do you need more energy? You can increase your vitality and feel better within hours of making a few changes to your lifestyle. To make a dramatic change to help you feel better immediately, I recommend you avoid or limit the follow foods from your diet. You may want to try reducing just one or two of them from your diet to start. People who make these changes feel better almost immediately. They experience improved memory, their aches and pains are often dissolved.
- Dairy. Dairy products trigger the production of mucus, which can clog the system, often bringing on sinus and nasal problems. For calcium, eat organic leafy greens, turnip greens sardines, sesame butters and seaweed. You may also add a calcium supplement.
- Concentrated Fruit Juice. Always opt for an orange over OJ concentrate. Fruit juices are high in sugar content and carbohydrates and low in fiber. They also lack the nutritional value if they are from concentrate since they go through a heating process before bottling.
- Caffeine. This acidic chemical can upset the balance of our stomach. And drinking coffee over-stimulates – and can ultimately weaken – the adrenal glands.
- Refined Sugar. These empty calories contribute to tooth decay, obesity, and yeast over-growth. Steer clear of packaged products, as most contain some form of refined sugar.
- Non-Organic Meat. Any animal protein can be tough to digest, but non-organic meats are the worst because they are often pumped up with antibiotics and hormones. Limit meat consumption to twice a week and eat only chicken, turkey, venison, or lamb. Free range meats are also better if organic is difficult to get.
- Wheat. Since many of us eat wheat daily, the body loses its ability to break it down. The result: mood swings and low energy.
- Sodas. Acid-forming drinks wreak havoc on the stomach’s pH, which is vital to the health of our whole body.
- Fermented Foods. Limit vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise, and other fermented foods, which also disrupt the body’s pH.
- Alcohol. Alcohol puts undue stress on the liver and can disrupt the stomach. If you must indulge, opt for whiskey, vodka, or brandy, which contain fewer allergens.
- Fried Foods. They add fat to the diet and their preparation – heating them in oil- creates free radicals, says Heyer. Try to use vegetable broth for poaching, rather than oil for sautéing.
- Refined White Flour. Products made with refined white flour wreak havoc in the body and the mind.
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