Good and Bad Fats you should know to increase vitality and to stay lean and eliminate unwanted body fat or cellulite.

Many of us try to eat right, however it is very difficult if you do not make a conscious effort, especially when we try to take in the right fats in our diets. Getting the right fats is a difficult task because they are scarce in many of today’s food.
Your body creates fats cells very easily as all of you who are trying to either lose weight or trim off excess fat know only too well. Our body stores plenty of fat from any foods, sugars, starches, or proteins or fats themselves. There are, however, two fats that it cannot produce, linoleic acid, (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic acid, (omega-3). These must be obtained from other sources such as foods or supplementation. These are essential fats because they are required to manufacture all the unique fats in the structure of your brain, eyes, ears, testes, ovaries, adrenals and membranes that surround and protect every cell in your body. A lack or deficiency of these essential fats in your body will result in difficulty or even inability to think, see, hear, reproduce, run, or even move a muscle. Whenever your body is deficient in these fats, there is a considerable decline in all these functions of your body.
“Essential Fats will not make you fat… sugars and starches will make you fat”
For optimum health, your body requires an optimum supply of essential fats. Essential fats will not make you fat, but sugars and starches will make you fat. Essential fats will increase energy, improve stamina and performance, build muscle, improves circulation, and speed recovery and healing. There are many other benefits such as improved brain development, cell division, growth, increased I.Q., reduced stress, calmed down hyperactive kids, and strong bones. 95% of the population does not get enough essential fat. Essential fats benefit the body in many areas even for improved skin, hair and nails. These fats also improve the digestive function and improves sperm formation in the body.
The importance of this fat to our body’s improved overall health cannot be overstated. For those who are concerned with body fat, you should know that essential fats help reduce body fat and increase fat reduction. These fats also increase your energy and increase your body’s caloric reduction. They make us feel like being more active; prevent over eating by lifting depression; reduce cravings; suppresses appetite; help kidneys dump water held in tissues; act as an anti-inflammatory; and make us feel better.
Fats to Avoid
You should avoid saturated fats and as their name implies, saturated fats have all their carbon atoms filled (saturated) with hydrogen atoms. The body does not use saturated fats for any special purposes. Whenever you consume saturated fat, it should only be considered useful as fuel. If you do not burn it right away, it will cause havoc and mischief within the body. Saturated fats will infiltrate your heart, liver, and brain, and oxidize into fatty deposits that grow and choke and clog your arteries. Your body combats this by dumping as much saturated fat as possible out of the bloodstream by stuffing it into adipose cells and stored as body fat. There it will be stored until your body requires it for fuel.
Your body stores and produces tons of fat and can stuff a ton of saturated fat into adipose cells. Because of its composition, and the fact that it is chemically inert, the stored fat is clumped together neatly into solid clots. Your body also stores the essential fats in these cells as well so, if you eat a lot of fat these cells get packed and swell like balloons.
We can best exemplify this with the age-old problem of that ugly “cellulite”, in the thigh area. Many companies in the cosmetic industry have made and make a fortune today on magic potions that make outlandish claims that their products will smooth away those lumps. They fool women into believing that it is different from the ordinary body fat and can be removed by creams, lotions, wraps, electrical zaps and other far-fetched schemes and products. Cellulite is a bogus promotional hype to fool you because it does not exist in science. In the Oxford dictionary it is described as “a lumpy form of fat, producing a puckering of the skin”. This fat is simply an example of the body’s ability to store so much saturated fat into the adipose cells that they bulge right through the skin.
Cellulite can be reduced and eliminated through proper exercise and through effective supplementation. When combating a cellulite problem, massage is beneficial as well, before and after half an hour of exercise (such as walking or stair-climbing). You must combat the storage of saturated fats to see any reduction of cellulite.
Consuming essential fats will not cause a clotting effect since their structure makes it difficult for them to clump together tight enough due to their structure. It is very difficult for these fats to clump together tight enough to go solid at room or body temperature. They remain in liquid form and cannot form clots in your bloodstream. This loose fluid structure is vital to optimal body function as it allows the easy flow of nutrients into the cell and waste out of the cell. Without essential fatty acids cellular nutrition is blocked and health performance is deteriorated.
Another benefit of essential fatty acids is that they boost oxygen use. EFAs work together from different angles to help transfer oxygen to the alveoli of the lungs and from there to the hemoglobin of red blood cells, your body’s oxygen transport system. Then, at the membranes of the cells, the essential fatty acids “suck” the oxygen out of the hemoglobin and into the cell. This is importan because it determines the maximum amount of oxygen you can take up and deliver to the muscles.
Essential fats also help to reduce body fat. However, not just any old fat will, only cis-essential fats will help reduce body fat. You cannot contain the integrity of highly biologically active cis-essential fatty acids outside of a dark-glass, tightly-capped and stored in a refrigerated bottle.
In recent research, cis-essential fats have produced the capabilities of reducing body fat by at least three mechanisms, when eating them as your sole source or fat, 12-15% of your total daily calories. They actually increase your body’s metabolic rate and fat metabolism, yielding greater use of body fat for fuel, and increasing insulin efficiency. In Dr. Michael Colgan’s book “Essential Fats for Athletes” he states that Dr. Leonard Storlien and colleagues at the Garvin Institute of Medical Research in New South Wales, Australia, were the first to show that omega-3 fatty-acids enhance insulin metabolism to such a degree, that they prevent insulin resistance and diabetes in diabetes-prone animals. The cis-essential fats also reduce body fat as they control the prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds, produced from essential fats, that regulate many biological functions.
Good and Bad Oils
Today we are faced with products developed and mass produced by the food oil industry, where the chief concerns are only to produce oils that look pure, have no smell, and last for years on the shelf. Plant, seed and fish oils are highly perishable. Because of their unsaturated and highly active nature they interact with everything. They oxidize with exposure to light, heat and air, they mix easily with various other organic compounds, they form a very healthy growing ground for all sorts of microscopic life, and they go bad very quickly.
The oil industry buffoons (in their ignorance) overcame these problems and developed a boiling process to sterilize unsaturated fats and a hydrogenation process to add hydrogen atoms. This process turned biologically active cis fats into aberrant trans fats.
Trans fats are even more deadly for our health than saturated fats. Your body, however, is highly adaptable and in the absence of a healthy fat supply, tries to use the unhealthy and destructive trans fats to substitute for essential fats. In the cell membranes for example, trans fats cause the protective membranes to leak, allowing toxic substances to enter the cell. This causes abnormal effects on the body functions and has been linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Trans fats are in all processed foods including leading brand margarines that contain up to 60% trans fats. Salad oils contain up to 20% trans fats. Vegetable cooking oils and the French fries and other foods cooked in them contain up to 30% trans fats.
Many countries have banned trans fats. Canada and the U.S. have moved to eliminate trans fats and now make numerous canola oil products with cis fats intact. In the U.S. however the powerful food oil lobby has resisted attempts to remove trans fats due to the cost of retooling the industry.
Use Only Unprocessed Cold Pressed Organic Oils
You should note that only certified organic, unprocessed cold pressed oils can provide the two essential cis-fats your body requires and only a few of these provide them in anything like the right proportions. Dark green leafy vegetables also contain small amount of oils. Wild (not farmed) cold-water fish, salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout contain a good supply of omega-3 fats. You should get or purchase fish fresh in order to gain the benefits.
In summary, you should understand that trans fats are deadlier for health and performance, more so than that of saturated fats. Essential fats are exactly what they are called, essential to our body and aids in the reduction of stored body fat and cellulite. You should look to pick up a good quality fish oil from your local health food store.
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