Juicing is a great way to improve your overall wellbeing. Get all the nutrients your body requires to look and feel better each day may even help to lose those unwanted pounds, shred body fat and may even cure or reduce many illness or health complications you may have.
Juicing will provide a enjoyable drink that will taste great when you add apples, celery, parsley, carrots, lemon, wheat grass or any of your favorite fruits or vegetables. . I enjoy making different combinations of juice that keep me energized throughout the day. Juicing also provides me with a quality serving of the required nutrients to keep my body in good shape and have a good sense of wellbeing. Studies have shown that juicing can help you. It is a good idea when juicing to use organic or pesticide free fruits and vegetable.
Juicing will provide a enjoyable drink that will taste great when you add apples, celery, parsley, carrots, lemon, wheat grass or any of your favorite fruits or vegetables. . I enjoy making different combinations of juice that keep me energized throughout the day. Juicing also provides me with a quality serving of the required nutrients to keep my body in good shape and have a good sense of wellbeing. Studies have shown that juicing can help you. It is a good idea when juicing to use organic or pesticide free fruits and vegetable.
Juicing also is a great way to cleanse or for weight loss. There are a few books that you can pick up on juice cleansing with terrific juicing recipes. The best way to make sure you get the required nutrients for wellbeing is by juicing fruits and vegetables daily, I do every morning. If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol it is best to limit using certain fruits until you normalize these conditions. You can juice lemons or limes as they have virtually no sugar or fructose that cause most of the complications for any of the health complications mentioned.
Why is it good to juice? Well as I have said in a previous post, our diet should be made up of at least fifty one per cent (51%) raw foods. Why raw food? Whenever you cook or process food it destroys the micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition that would have normally been provided by that particular food. Cooking and processing of food destroys the micronutrients so much so, that the body’s immune system reacts to it as being a toxin and the body goes on high alert to protect itself. This is an added burden on the digest system and creates more stress on the body. Even light steaming destroys some of the nutrients, so this is why it is recommend that over 51% of your diet be raw food. By consuming over 51% raw food in your diet, you will provide your body with the essential nutrients to improve your health and wellbeing.
Juicing for Weight Loss
Juicing for Weight Loss
Fat Burning and weight loss
If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol it is best to limit using certain fruits that contain high levels of sugar or fructose until you normalize these conditions. You can juice lemons or limes as they have virtually no sugar or fructose that cause most of the complications for any of the health complications mentioned.
Juicing can be fun and enjoyable each day creating your own combination of fruits and vegetables. When your goal is to lose weight, cleanse, detoxify, and burn off body fat you should look to juicing the following:
Dark green vegetables
Parsley (no more than one cup of parsley a day and pregnant women should avoid parsley)
Daikin Radish
Carrots (note that carrot and parsley juice can help maintain blood sugar levels in the body)
Alfalfa Sprouts
Ginger Root
Jerusalem Artichoke
Radish (promotes healthy thyroid function)
JUICERS -Is there a difference in juicers and how they juice? There are many makes and models of juicers on the market. You may remember the ones on the tv infomercials that do all the work for you. There are basically to types of juicers you will be considering, they are masticating juicers and then there are the centrifugal juicers. Which one is better?
The centrifugal juicer is probably the most common type of juicer and most affordable that you will find in retail stores or on tv infomercials. The centrifugal juicer loads the vegetables and fruits down a chute then grates the vegetables and fruits to a pulp spinning at high speeds. Then it uses a spinning motion at a high speed that creates a centrifugal force that forces the pulp against a screen that strains the juice to a container whilst the pulp is retained or sent to another container. Centrifugal by definition means “moving or directing away from a center axis.”

The best juicer I know of is the Norwalk which is pricy being over two thousand dollars but well worth it. Then there is the Lexen which is very affordable and the best value at just over two hundred dollars and does a decent job, almost as good as the super angel. If you spend a little more you can get the Champion juicer which is about two hundred and fifty but I would opt for the Lexen and use the savings for vegetables and fruits. My recommendation is the new Super Angel 5500 Juicer which is roughly a thousand dollars.
I will be listing some great juicing recipes on this site over the next few weeks so be sure to check back for them.
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