What is cleansing? ... What will cleansing do for me?... Is it safe for me to Cleanse? Can I lose weight cleansing?... Why Cleanse?
All these questions and more come up whenever someone has heard about a wonderful cleanse and thinks they may want to try it. I spent many years working in the retail health industry and found most people wanted to do a cleanse mainly to lose weight and body fat, but there are far more benefits than just that. So, is it for you.? Well let us find out.
Cleansing is a great way to rid your body of toxic, poisonous waste from your body. The internal body cleanse became very popular (in my opinion) when the master cleanse was widely publicized in Hollywood, California by Beyonce Knowles, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie.
Beyonce mentioned in an interview that she used the master cleanse to slim down for her role in the movie ‘Dreamgirls’. Soon thereafter it became very popular and people across the world began to do the master cleanse. The master cleanse and the lemon diet are are basically the same thing with a diet based around lemon juice and maple syrup and fasting.There are many different cleanses available today and I have done quite a few of them.
Beyonce mentioned in an interview that she used the master cleanse to slim down for her role in the movie ‘Dreamgirls’. Soon thereafter it became very popular and people across the world began to do the master cleanse. The master cleanse and the lemon diet are are basically the same thing with a diet based around lemon juice and maple syrup and fasting.There are many different cleanses available today and I have done quite a few of them.
The reason cleansing is suggested to people is to eliminate harmful toxins and waste that are believed to be stored or ‘stuck’ in the body. These toxins are reeking havoc in your body and causing complications and symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, indigestion, coughing, muscle pains, poor sleep, weight gain and other symptoms such as the following:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Eczema, Acne, Pimples
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Brownish Spots On The Skin (Liver Spots)
- Hot Flashes
- Pancreas Disorder
- Irritability
- High Blood Pressure
- Elevated Cholesterol
- Pot Belly
- Constipation
- Cellulite
- Indigestion
- Abdominal Bloating

These are just some of the symptoms that are believed may be illiminated by detoxifying your body by doing a cleanse. The symptoms mentioned such as fatigue, indigestion, coughing, muscle pains, headaches and poor sleep can be signs of other serious illnesses. That is why it is important to see your health practitioner or your primary health care provider for a thorough assessment to ensure that any symptoms are not caused by a medical condition that requires immediate treatment. Anyone considering a cleanse should consult a qualified health professional or their medical doctor first. Pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't do a cleanse. People with anemia, eating disorder, diabetes, kidney disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, terminal illness, certain genetic diseases, and other chronic conditions shouldn't try cleansing and if they wish to, they should do so only under the supervision of their primary care provider.
Cleansing to detoxify and eliminate unwanted waste from your body is beneficial to your digestive system and you will notice (not long after doing a cleanse or during) that you will have more energy, that you will have better focus, that your digestive system will work more efficiently and your skin may look more radiant and clearer. You may even lose a few unwanted pounds. These are just some of the benefits of a cleanse.
So how many diferent types of cleanses are there? There are quite a few today.... The Master Cleanse, The Lemon Diet, Juice Cleansing and then there are homeopathic products and other natural products available from your local health food store....products like Cleansify ( www.cleansify.com ), Renew Life ( www.renewlife.com ), Herbal Detox and Sambu ( www.florahealth.com ) just to name a few. Some are more intense than others.
Cleansify is a liquid cleanse that is very similar to the Master Cleanse however you eat organic (raw preferably) foods such as green leafy vegetables and protein such as fish. It also uses Organic Blue Agave instead of Maple Syrup. Organic Blue Agave has much more nutrients and does not impact your insulin levels like Maple Syrup does. You can check the USDA National Nutrient Data Base (http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.htm?modecode=12-35-45-00) and see for yourself. The other benefit to Cleansify is that it can be taken as a daily drink for more energy. By taking the this drink each day after the cleanse, you help eliminate the toxins more effectively and prevent the buildup of more toxins. I personly like to mix Cleansify with a couple tea spoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and get loads of energy. Cleansify is available at most health food stores or online at www.cleansify.com . If you visit the Cleansify website you can download a free cleanse plan.

You can attemp the Master Cleanse which was designed by Stanley Burroughs. It is a home made kit that you prepare at home by mixing maple syrup, fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper. The maple syrup (Grade B maple syrup) contains vitamins and minerals which includes iron, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sulphur and silicon not to mention Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, Pantothenic acid and C. The lemon juice is used to produce more bile in the liver, trapping fat molecules and allowing them to be easily secreted. By using lemon juice it also helps to decrease your appetite and provide you with more vitamins and nutrients. Now cayenne pepper is add as it helps increase your metabolism and aids digestion. It is also a good source of Vitamins A, B, C, Calcium and Potassium and Purified Water or Reverse Osmosis Water is recommended to clean your internal organs and even help speed your metabolism.
There are many cleanse systems out there that may help you detoxify you body and get rid of those harmful toxins and waste that are slowly killing you. Invest in your body, buy better food (i.e. organic) and you will live longer and feel better. Ask your natural health care practitioner for suggestions on cleansing or visit your favorite health food store or website to get more information on different cleanses.
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