How you can look younger and lose those extra pounds!
Apples contain potassium which is the mineral of youthfulness as it keeps the arteries flexible and resilient while fighting off bacteria and viruses. Your body requires potassium to build and maintain its youthful healthy tissue and avoid that old age worm out look.
Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh , crushed apples which are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels. The best brand that I like is Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar which is Raw, Unpasteurized and Certified Organic and is available in most health food stores.
Apple cider vinegar is helps to control and normalize bodyweight, improve digestion and assimilation of foods we eat. It has been known to reduces sinus infections and sore throats, balance high cholesterol, Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss, cure skin conditions such as acne, protects against food poisoning, fight allergies in both humans and animals, prevent muscle fatigue after exercise, strengthen the immune system, increase stamina, improves digestion and cure constipation,alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout, prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections.
Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals or an hour after meals to aid with digestion. Some like to add raw honey or organic blue agave to it. The raw honey or organic blue agave and Bragg’s apple cider vinegar drink will give you loads of energy and great muscle tone. Using apple cider vinegar is one of the great ways to keep your body lean, healthy, young and strong along with a proper balanced diet and exercise. So remember to purchase only unpasteurized, raw, certified organic and ideally an acidity (pH) level of 5 to 7. Apple cider vinegar does not need to be refrigerated however some people do. This wonder food is really amazing!

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